Program Overview
Out-of-School care is provided for children attending Herbert Spencer Elementary, Skwo:wech Elementary and École Qayqayt Elementary before and after school. Our school-aged educators walk with the children to and from the schools.
Full-day childcare is also provided to the students of the three schools on professional development days and school holidays, including the winter break, spring break, and summer break.
Our school aged program is play based and recreational with a variety of activities available based on the interest of the group. Our school break full day programs are theme based and offer many fun-filled daily activities and field trips around New Westminster and surrounding areas.
Victoria Hill Out-of-School Program
- Ages: Six to Twelve
- Educator to Child Ratio: 1:12
- Number of licensed spaces: 25

Due to our current extensive waitlist and preschool graduates filling in our Out-of-School program spaces, we are currently not accepting applications for enrollment for the Out-of-School program at Victoria Hill.
- Full time spaces are offered for all programs
- Part time spaces are dependent on availability
- A $50.00 non-refundable registration fee is paid upon enrollment
- Monthly fees are paid through post-dated cheques
Parents may be eligible for a financial subsidy from the Province of British Columbia Affordable Childcare Benefit Program (ACCB), to assist with childcare costs. Find out more about our fees here.
Our Before School Care at Victoria Hill is available from Monday through Friday from 7:30 am to school drop off. After School Care at Victoria Hill is available from Monday through Friday from school dismissal to 5:30 pm. More information about program hours can be found here.
School Age Care Full Day is available at Victoria Hill for Pro-D Days and School Breaks.
Please note that Covid-19 safety measures may affect hours of operation
Victoria Hill and Queensbourough programs are closed all statutory holidays, including Easter Monday and are closed between Christmas and New Year’s.

K.I.D.S. Child Care
236 Ross Drive, New Westminster, BC, V3L 0B2
Phone: 604.524.0522
Fax: 604.524.6941
Queensborough KIDS
490 Furness Street, New Westminster, BC, V3M 0M1
Phone: 604.553.1772
Fax: 604.524.6941